
I'm Glad We Can Be Honest About This

Animated Film
Mature Content!

Random Acts

This was the fourth film we produced for Channel 4's Random Acts series in the UK. 'I Am Glad We Can Be Honest About This' is a bizarre and unusual short that explores themes of murder, vengeance, lust, truth and loyalty. Director and artist Alexander Gellner’s takes the audience on a kaleidoscopic journey through the lives of a dysfunctional family.

Channel 4

I Am Glad We Can Be Honest About This

Alex Gellner Says:

“Every scene is just long enough to establish one idea and then left for another, this creates a hasty mood, like switching channels on the telly, only that every clip has a very intriguing sequence… As the film progresses we can realise that most clips have something in common and interact with each other. Later shots continue actions that were started in previous and characters and signs reappear. We begin to piece things together and make our own conclusion. The “solution“ starts to appear as we see the relations of the characters unfold. The pleasure of watching this film is that of solving a riddle that seemed to be unsolvable moments before.”

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